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kulinart – the classic among the gourmet fairs

Discover, taste, shop, savor - kulinart is a consumer trade fair with marketplace charm, which has been a real
annual highlight for many of its exhibitors and visitors since 2004. Every autumn, kulinart presents delicious,
exclusive, and surprising products for the dinner table accompanied by interior and lifestyle products and a dash
of exclusive service to make the kulinart program perfect. Customers are delighted by the wide range of products
on offer, the delicious insider tips, and the gift ideas that await them. Exhibitors and professional visitors successfully
use the sales exhibition for establishing contacts, trading, and selling.

Our audience

A special trade fair attracts special visitors: The 6,000 or so guests at each kulinart are discerning connoisseurs of
all ages who like to treat themselves and appreciate quality. Your products, ideas, and inspirations fall on fertile
ground, given the kind of visitors that come to kulinart. They like to be advised and tempted to savor – that‘s why
they have come and are happy to stay a little longer than usual for a trade fair. Many also bring their friends and
relatives with them. Because kulinart is a trade fair with a high feel-good factor.

Our exhibitiors

You don‘t need to be a great name for kulinart. You just need great vision. kulinart has set itself the task of
discovering new trends, talents, and specialties to continue surprising its visitors with special products and ideas.
Accordingly, there are not too many big names on our exhibitor’s list, but instead mainly small traditional family
businesses, specialist online dealers, and promising newcomers. When selecting our exhibitors, we attach great
importance to the quality of the products, sustainability of the manufacturing process, genuine expertise, and,
above all, authenticity. Our exhibitors stand by their products in the same way that we stand by our exhibition.

Location and presentation

It is very important to us that both visitors and exhibitors feel comfortable at kulinart. We create the best possible
setting for this. Since 2005, kulinart Stuttgart has been held in the Phoenixhalle in the Römerkastell − a small jewel
in an attractive location. The material mix of wood, steel, clinker, and natural stone gives the rooms a unique
character. With our design stand construction systems, we create a high-quality, uniform appearance that brings
transparency and clarity to the exhibition spaces. We will be happy to use our experience to help you with your
planning - including support. Our stand builders will also support you with individual requests.

Marketing support

In the run-up to each kulinart event, we make every effort to generate maximum interest in our exclusive trade fair
and provide our exhibitors with all the support they need. Every year a small, close-knit team prepares new advertising
material adapted to specific target groups.
− High-quality, professionally produced advertising material
− Posters in the Stuttgart city area
− 30,000 advertising postcards and posters in Stuttgart locations
− E-mail newsletter to more than 3,500 visitors
− Trade visitor invitations to regional retailers, restaurateurs, and VIPs
− Advertisements, reports, and special publications in trade media, daily press, and city magazines
− PR articles and photos sent to around 500 regional and national press contacts
− Website with exhibitor links and up-to-date information
− Instagram and Facebook page with current information & postings
− Trade fair documentation by professional photographers for the press, website, and social media
kulinart is also an excellent tool for customer loyalty! Invite your customers, retailers, and restaurateurs – we will
provide you with the appropriate advertising material and discounted tickets. Another way to expand your trade fair
presence is a premium partnership with kulinart. Simply get in touch with us.

Facts and information

Opening hours: Saturday 12 pm to 8 pm, Sunday 11 am to 7 pm
Exhibition prices: EUR 125, - per square meter of exhibition space including partition walls plus additional costs.
Stand assembly on the Friday before the exhibition, starting from noon, and Saturday from 8 am to 11 am.
Stand disassembly on Sunday between 7 pm and 10 pm after the exhibition closes.